Full paper instructions
Authors are required to submit two documents:
- a camera-ready (either pdf or MS Word document) not larger than six-pages (click here to download the Camera-Ready example);
- a non type-set (double spaced) document according to the IOS Press requirements for the International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics available at the link http://www.iospress.nl/html/13835416_ita.html
Instructions for oral and poster presentations
- Oral Presentations
- Duration
The time available for the presentation and discussion of every paper is about 20 minutes; session chairs will take care that the schedule is followed.
- Equipment
Speakers at the conference will have access to a video beamer that can be connected either to the room stationary PC (PowerPoint, Acrobat Reader) or their own laptop. If you need a traditional overhead projector, please inform the secretariat as soon as possible and no later than 5 September.
- Additional Tips
The use of the conference room PC is strongly encouraged. Speakers are kindly requested to load and test their presentations on the room PC during the break times.
In order to quickly start presentations, speakers preferring their own laptop computers are kindly requested to boot them and start the presentation program before the announcement of their papers.
- Poster Presentations
- A formal poster presentation will take place in a dedicated session, when the presenters will be kindly requested to stand by their posters.
- Format: one panel (useful area: width 130 cm, height 200 cm from the floor) will be available for each poster.
- Time: in order to increase the display time, poster presenters are encouraged to put their posters on display as soon as possible and to remove the posters from the panels at the end of the poster session.
Instructions for the preparation of the short paper
PDF format
MS-Word format